Tag Archives: bash

Displaying Your Terminal Sessions

We are used to terminal sessions displayed like any other content, i.e. as a video of some kind. The latter comes with two caveats, though. It uses a lot of bandwidth (compared to the actual terminal session) and is often difficult to read. Because many people do not bother to magnify the terminal either during the actual presentation or as part of the post-processing.

A very interesting alternative, especially for blog posts, is asciinema. It works on Linux, macOS and various BSD flavors. What it basically does is open a special shell (Bash-like) that simply records all keystrokes (plus the responses) in a VT-100 compatible format. So you end up with a small text file that can be replayed using a JavaScript snippet.

In addition to using the hosted instance, that supports sharing in multiple ways, you can also run your own server via Docker. For all the details, please go to the website.

Visual Studio Code and Bash on Windows

A while ago I started using Visual Studio Code and it is a great tool for many things. Primary use-cases for me are Chef recipes and SFDX at the moment, for both of which there are extensions in the VS Code marketplace. Also, I like to use Bash (the one that came with Git for Windows) in the terminal .

But at least on Windows (this seems to be different on Mac OS) some of the standard keyboard shortcuts for Bash are used by VS Code itself. Relevant for me personally were Ctrl-A, Ctrl-E, and Ctrl-K. To make bash usable for me, I had to “undefine” those shortcuts in VS Code, but only for the terminal.

Here are the necessary additions to  keybindings.json :

// Place your key bindings in this file to overwrite the defaults

 { "key": "ctrl+a",
   "command": "",
   "when": "terminalFocus" },
 { "key": "ctrl+e",
   "command": "",
   "when": "terminalFocus" },
 { "key": "ctrl+k",
   "command": "",
   "when": "terminalFocus" },
Hope that helps!