Tag Archives: FreeBSD

Seagate Exos disks in TrueNAS Core: Disable parking of heads

My NAS (TrueNAS Core) is running with Seagate Exos X16 drives. Those were considerably cheaper than any other drive at the time of purchase (September 2020) here in Germany. From what I gathered  since then, this is often still the case, also in other countries.

But there is one aspect about these drives that needs attention. Being marketed for data center use, they have a very small timeout for parking their heads. So, if an Exos drive is idle for only a very short time, it will move its heads into a parking position. That is a reasonable setting for data centers, where drives are hardly ever idle. But for a small business or home use it is less than ideal.

Fortunately, this setting can be changed and TrueNAS Core, or rather the underlying FreeBSD, has the right program for this already installed. Below you find the command that I am using. You will need to adjust the device, but otherwise you can just run it.

camcontrol epc /dev/??? -c state -d -p Idle_b -s

In terms of the ATA level, this disables the Idle_b power condition and saves it to the drive to survive a reboot. For more details, please check out the extensive man page of the camcontrol command.

In addition I recommend that you configure your system to issue this command on every startup. Under normal conditions that is not necessary. But what if you need to replace a disk drive? If you have a case with hot-swappable drive bays, this will of course not help. In that case I would think about a cron job.

Linux and the Speed of Innovation

Although I have been a Linux person since 1995, I have come to like FreeBSD a lot. Primarily because two of my major systems are based on it. As my firewall I have been using pfSense for a number of years, and for storage it is FreeNAS. And both have never let me down, neither in terms of stability nor regarding their functionality.

Now the company behind FreeNAS (iXsystems) has announced a while ago, that they will move to Linux as the underlying operating system for their future core product. I am not sure I welcome this change that much. I can understand that simply for available know-how iXsystems want to do this switch. Plus the hardware vendor support is obviously broader and the community also does their part in testing. But, with some level of exaggeration,  Linux (not the kernel but adjacent things like systemd) has become kind-of the JavaScript framework of *nix systems. What I mean by that is that I personally perceive the rate at which things are re-done as too high for my liking. Just like every year multiple JavaScript frameworks appear that do the same thing as twenty others, just differently.

While there is merit to improving things, stability is often more important. And stability not only means that things work as expected. But also the rate of change is a factor. If a new framework saves me 20% development time that sounds great. But in the enterprise evolution, and by that investment protection, is typically what gets you the much better ROI. Because the 20% development improvement are more than eaten up by effort in other areas (esp. operations).

FreeNAS 11.1 U7: Install Syncthing in Jail

As part of moving to a new FreeNAS box, I want to replicate data from the old (nas2, running FreeNAS 11.1 U7) to the new (nas3, running FreeNAS 11.3 U5) machine. During the initial phase nas2 will still be my primary storage location. Think of this as something like a burn-in to ensure that there are no dead-on-arrival components in the new box, esp. hard disks of course. This is planned to last for at least two months and I want all my data synchronized constantly.

The solution I laid my eyes on is Syncthing and I want to run it in a FreeNAS jail on both systems. On the new system the installation was smooth, but on nas2 it was not possible to even create a jail. It turned out to be a setting that had not been migrated from the original FreeNAS 9.3 installation, which had been the initial version of FreeNAS on nas2.

All that had to be done was fix the “Collection URL” setting in the jails configuration as shown below.

  1. Go to “Jails / Configuration”
  2. Switch to “Advanced Mode”
  3. Make sure that the URL contains “11.1” (was “9.3” before on my system)

The next step was to install Syncthing with pkg. The problem with FreeNAS 11.1 is that the underlying FreeBSD is no longer maintained (EOL) and therefore no package repository exists for this version. The workaround is to forcibly switch to an existing repository, even if it does not match the FreeBSD version. I am ok with that, as long as only applications and not OS tools are installed (you should carefully think, whether this is also ok for you!). To do this, issue the following command:

# pkg bootstrap -f

You will get a warning about different OS versions and need to confirm that you want to continue. Once this is complete, install Syncthing with

pkg install syncthing

You get the same warning as just before and need to confirm the installation.

[syncthing] [1/1] Fetching syncthing-1.10.0.txz:  99%   16 MiB   1.0MB/s    00:0
[syncthing] [1/1] Fetching syncthing-1.10.0.txz: 100%   16 MiB   1.0MB/s    00:1
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)                                      
[syncthing] [1/1] Installing syncthing-1.10.0...                                
===> Creating groups.                                                           
Creating group 'syncthing' with gid '983'.                                      
===> Creating users                                                             
Creating user 'syncthing' with uid '983'.                                       
===> Creating homedir(s)                                                        
[syncthing] [1/1] Extracting syncthing-1.10.0: 100%                             
root@syncthing:/ # 

From here, you can just continue with the normal process of setting thins up. A good starting point might be the following YouTube video.

FreeNAS Upgrade from to 9.10.2-U2

I have been an extremely satisfied user of FreeNAS for many years, but had not updated my system for quite a while. Having a free Sunday was the perfect opportunity to do just that.

There were two steps involved: First go to 9.3.1 and then to 9.10.2-U2. As my box sits in the basement and is headless, I opted for update via GUI and it went extremely well.

The only issue was that on 9.10.2 the jail template list was empty. A quick online search revealed that this was, unfortunately, expected. But on the other hand, in such a case there is a good chance, that someone else has already found a solution.

But it all proved a bit more challenging than expected. And  nothing I found worked completely. So I ended up with a combination of things from other people (in particular this link) and my own discoveries:

  • I deleted the ZFS volume .warden-template-standard via the web UI
  • Then from the command line the ZFS was re-created with
    zfs create zpool/jails/.warden-template-standard
  • Deleted the template
    warden template delete standard
  • Re-created the standard template
    warden template create -nick standard -tar http://download.freenas.org/jails/10/x64/freenas-standard-10.3-RELEASE.tgz

At this point everything should have been good – but it was not. Still no template showed up when I tried to create a new jail. So I added a jail template in the web UI, too.

The URL is exactly the same as for the command line above.

With this I was able to create a new FreeBSD jail.