Tag Archives: VCS

Starting with Continuous Integration

In this post I look at things to consider when an organization wants to introduce Continuous Integration (CI). As in so many other situations the non-technical challenges are more difficult to solve than some nitty-gritty details.

Start Small Right Now

If ever there was a place for the proverb “the better is the enemy of the good” it is here. Waiting days, weeks, or months because you have not sorted out all details is the worst you can do. Instead you should start immediately by just installing a CI server (Jenkins is the de facto standard) and set up a simple job that does nothing but check out the source code from the VCS and compile it.

More advanced stuff like test automation, setting up delivery pipelines, integration with binary repositories like Artifactory or Nexus is not needed in the beginning.

Agile Automatically?

Most development teams that have not used CI so far are probably operating in a more or less non-agile fashion. That is fine and can stay as it is! Because while CI is virtually a prerequisite for agile development, that does absolutely not mean that teams following a waterfall model will not benefit considerably from CI.

So establishing CI can but does not have to be the first step of moving towards agile development. In fact I would argue that introducing CI is a large-enough step for an existing development organization. Only when this has been “digested”, you should think about moving towards agile. Otherwise too many things would be changed in parallel, similar to combining a new release of your own software with an upgrade of the underlying platform, e.g. the database server.

Frequency of Builds

This is the only part where I strongly recommend that you start at full throttle. What I mean by that is that you resist the temptation to run your builds only once a day or even less frequently. Ideally, every commit into the VCS triggers a build via a post-commit hook (here is more information for Git and Subversion). But polling the VCS every e.g. 10 minutes is a good-enough approximation in most cases. And it is also a little bit easier to set up when you just start on the whole topic.

Why am I so adamant on this particular point? I think that almost-instant feedback is at the very core of CI and the only way to deliver it is by running the build. All the points below change the amount of details that are provided or reduce the risk of introducing bugs into the code. But this hugely powerful feeling you get after your first commit triggers a build, is the important aspect for successful adoption in my view.

Test Automation

Start with “compilation works” as the lowest common denominator. When you want to start adding the use of “proper” test frameworks, feel free to do so. But is nothing you need on day one.

When you are ready to do more, you need to focus on those parts of your code that are most relevant for the business. Resist the temptation of striving for large test coverage of your code for the sake of it (having a KPI on this is a really bad idea). Otherwise people will start writing test for trivial helper functions, testing which on their own is of low relevance.

Instead take the critical parts of the business logic and develop a way to test them end-to-end (if possible without the GUI yet). With this approach you will implicitly cover all the lower-level stuff underneath automatically. Unless you have someone on your team with practical experience on integration testing frameworks (e.g. Citrus), I would not start with a full-blown approach but rather develop a few custom scripts.

The point in time when to start with more advanced topics, especially automated performance tests, depends on your individual situation and I will not make recommendations about it here. But what you should do as soon as possible, is read up on the subject and get an understanding about the different types of test and what they are good for. You do not need to implement everything now, but this will allow you to make informed judgements about the path you choose.

In Closing

You should now have an idea how to get started with CI quickly and in a way that delivers positive results pretty much from day one. Gaining traction in the organization should be your first priority in the beginning. There is a widespread misconception that things like CI, while theoretically the right to do, slow developers down. Nothing could be further from the truth. But unless you fight this impression fiercely, sooner or later management will ask for by-passing that “nice new thing” and get code out of the code faster using the old way.

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Start Working with a Version Control System

Every so often I get asked about what to consider when introducing Continuous Integration (CI) to an organization. Interestingly though, most of the details discussed are about working with a version control system (VCS) and not CI itself. That is understandable because the VCS is the “gateway” for all developers. So here are my recommendations.

Use of Branches

It is important to distinguish between the goal (Continuous Integration) and the means (trunk-based development). Yes, it is possible to implement a system that facilitates frequent integration of code from various branches. On the other hand it is a considerably more complex approach than to simply work off trunk. So in most cases I would argue that simpler is better.

In any case I recommend to also look at using branches and can recommend this video on YouTube as a starting point. Whatever path you choose, it will always improve your understanding of the subject and you do not have to take my word for it.

Number of Commits

Most people that do not use a VCS will typically work through the day and create a file copy (snapshot-like) of their project in the evening just before they leave for the day. So it is a natural conclusion to transfer this approach like-for-like to the VCS. In practical terms this would mean to perform a single commit every day just before you go home. And the commit message would be similar to “Work for <DATE>” or “WIP”.

But instead of doing so, developers should commit as often as possible. In my experience 5 to 15 times for a full day of development work is a good rule-of-thumb. There will be exceptions, of course. But whenever you are far enough outside this ballpark-figure, you should analyze why that is.

Time to Commit

Instead of looking at time intervals, people should commit whenever the code has reached a stable state. Or in other words: It does not make sense to have people commit every 30 to 45 minutes. They should rather do this after e.g. having fixed a small bug (e.g. correction of a threshold). But for changes that require more than roughly 60 minutes of work, things need to be broken down. This will be looked at in detail in the next bullet point.

Especially when starting with a VCS, people will quite often miss to commit when they have completed a somewhat discrete piece of work. That is normal and happens to everybody. Even today, with more than ten years of experience on the subject, I still sometimes miss the point. Adding the step of committing a set of changes to your work routine, is something that really takes time. It is a bit like re-ordering your morning routine in the bathroom. Most people do things in the exact same order every day. Changing something there is just as difficult as performing a commit “automatically”.

What to do when you realize your miss, depends on the circumstances. If this is your personal pet project, you may just virtually slap yourself on the head and continue or do the infamous “WIP” commit. But if this a critical project for you organization and you collaborate with others, you need to undo the last couple of changes until you are back where you should have performed the commit in the first place. Yes, this is cumbersome and feels like a waste of time, especially if you are working under time pressure, i.e. always.

But there is no alternative and anyone who says differently (typically project managers without a solid background in software development) is just completely wrong. Because you need to be able to understand exactly who performed what change to the code base and when. But with messy commits this will not work in practice. Or to rephrase in management speak: It is much more time-consuming and error-prone to go through untidy changes every single time you try find something in the VCS, than to spend the effort only once and correct things. 

Split Up Larger Work Items

In many cases the effort to implement a new feature or fix a really nasty bug will exceed let’s say 60 minutes. In those cases the developer should have a rough a plan how the overall work be structured. For a new feature this could mean something like:

  1. Add test-cases that pass for the current implementation
  2. Re-factor in preparation without changing behavior
  3. Add test-cases for new feature
  4. Implement first half of new feature but ensure that it cannot be executed yet (think feature-toggle here)
  5. Finish new feature and enable execution

Working Code

The example above for how to structure the implementation of something larger has a critical aspect to it. Which is that at every point in time the code in the VCS must be in a consistent and operational (=deployable) state. If things look different (i.e. some parts are not working every now and then) in your development environment, as opposed to the VCS, that is ok. Although it has proven to make life easier when both the VCS and your environment do not stray too far apart from each other.

What I discovered for myself is that the approach has a really nice by-product: cleaner and more stable code. In hindsight I cannot say when this materialized for me. So there is a small chance that from a clean code perspective things got worse before they got better. But my gut feeling tells me that this was not the case. Because an always-working code also means a better structured code, which is by definition more stable due to reduced complexity (relative to a messy codebase).

Fix Immediately

This has been written about many times and I merely mention it for completeness here. Whenever a change breaks the code, and thus causes automated tests to fail, the highest priority is to get things back into a working state. No exceptions ever!

When NOT to Commit

A VCS is not a backup system for your code but a VCS. This also means that you should not simply commit at the end of the day before you go home, unless your code happens to be in a working state. Otherwise, if you feel the need or are obliged to do so, have a backup location and/or script that handles this. But please do not clutter the VCS with backups.

At least in the early days of CI (the early 2000s) it was a somewhat common phenomenon at the beginning of projects that at the end of the day people checked in whatever they had done so far and went home. In many cases this broke the code and tests failed on the CI server. Until the next morning it was not possible for others to work effectively because you cannot reasonably integrate further changes with an already broken codebase. That is bad enough if people are located in one timezone. But think about the effect it has on an organization that works with a follow-the-sun approach.

Commit Messages

The reason for commit messages, in addition to the technical details that the VCS records anyway, is to describe the intent of the change. It does not make sense to list technical details, because those can always be retrieved with much more precision from the VCS log. But why you performed the sum of those changes is usually hard to extract from the technical delta. So think about how you would describe the change in a way that allows you to understand things when you look at them in six months.

In Closing

These are just a few point I learned over the years and have been able to validate with various projects. They are practical and provide, in my view, a good balance between the ideal world and the reality you find in many larger organizations. Please let know if you agree or (more importantly!) disagree.

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Configuration Management – Part 9: The Audit Trail

Keeping track of  changes is a critical functionality in every configuration management system because there are legal requirements like  SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley Act) that require it. It can be accomplished in several ways. Basically you can either use an existing tool like a VCS (version control system) or have something custom-built.

When possible, I tend to prefer a VCS because it is (hopefully) already part of your process and governance approach. A typical workflow is that the underlying assets (i.e. configuration files) will be changed and then the VCS client be used to commit the change. The commit message allows to record the intent here, which is the critical information.

But there are cases when you need to be able to track things outside the VCS. In all cases I have seen so far the reason was that some information should not be maintained within the VCS for security or operational reasons. While organizations are often relaxed about data like host names in non-PROD environments, this changes abruptly when PROD comes into play. While I always think “security by obscurity” when I have that discussion, it is also a fight not worth having.

The other reason is operational procedures. The operations team often has a well-established approach that maintains configuration files for many applications in a unified way. The latter typically involves a dedicated location on network storage where configuration data sit. Ideally, there should also be a generic mechanism to track changes here. A dedicated VCS is of course a good option, but operations staff without a development background often (rightly) shy away from that route.

So it comes down to what the configuration management system itself offers. What I have implemented in WxConfig is a system where every operation that changes configuration data results in an audit event that gets persisted to disk. It includes metadata (e.g. what user initiated the change from which IP address), the actual change (e.g. file save from UI or change of value via API), and the old and new version of the affected configuration file.

The downside compared to a well-chosen commit message for VCS is that the system cannot record the intent. But on the other hand no change is lost, because no manual activity is needed. In practice this far outweighs the missing intent, at least for me. Also it has proven to be helpful during development when I had accidentally removed data. It was far easier to restore the latter from an audit record compared to looking them up in their original source.

All audit data get persisted to files and the metadata is recorded as XML. That allows automated processing, if required by e.g. a GRC system (Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance) or legal frameworks like the aforementioned Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

Coordinating Distributed Development in Projects

I quickly wanted to kick around an idea about how to make distributed development within a project easier. Project for the purpose of this writing is not a typical open source project but something more along the lines of a commercial environment. So you will usually have 10-50 people working on a solution with access to common infrastructure (corporate network, central Version Control System, etc.).

So far we basically tell people that they can solve this either on an organizational or technical level. Organizational more or less means phone or email, while technical means pessimistic locking in the Version Control System (VCS). Both have a number of disadvantages and will increasingly be challenged.

I will start with looking at the VCS-based approach.  This can be seen as doing the coordination ex post, meaning that upon check-in people realize that someone else made conflicting changes or objects are locked in VCS. The result is unnecessary additional work using diff/merge functionality. So we can happily start a diff/merge exercise and try to make our work fit into the other changes that were done. The common view is that this is perfectly acceptable. What is often overlooked though, is that many such statements are/were made in the context of open source projects, where there is no chance to coordinate upfront. So I look at it as a last resort and not as something that should occur on a regular base because two people accidentally worked on the same thing. Rather diff/merge would be needed for porting stuff between branches and apart from that or similar scenarios should in general be avoided.

With the pessimistic locking approach we are (ab)using a VCS on a conceptual level to coordinate work. And technically not all VCS support pessimistic locking. This becomes increasingly important when we speak about distributed VCS like Git or Mercurial. One other issue with pessimistic locking is that it usually does not prevent you from checking out but from checking in again. And if you forget to acquire a lock, you will have spent time on some work only to find out later that you are basically screwed because someone else also worked on it and did not forget to acquire the lock.

So when you look at all these points, the question raises why the VCS locking approach is still favored by most folks compared to the upfront coordination. The latter would be done by letting everyone know that I will now start working on something. My educated guess is that the most important factor for preferring the VCS locking is that it’s integrated in the toolchain and hence automated. Also, I don’t need to think about who needs the information to populate my email’s To: field nor do I have to switch to another program.

So what if we could combine the ex ante aspect of informing people with the  integrated and publish-subscribe nature of the VCS lock? You actually often find this in server-based development environments, where people do not work against a local workspace but a central development instance of the system. These environments usually offer a command to lock certain objects on the server; the lock request is not expressed towards the VCS but the “live” system and I cannot perform any change without having acquired such a lock. I have worked with such a system for many years and while there are certain drawbacks to the shared nature of it, in most circumstances and from a productivity point of view it is just great.

So we need to find a way to incorporate this “live locking” into a setup with many disparate development environments.  In terms of implementation we could probably leverage the Eclipse Communication Framework (ECF) and e.g. an XMPP-based IM server. The workflow would roughly look like this:

  • After installation the user configures a “Coordination Server” (which would be an XMPP server) and his/her account there
  • For each Eclipse project there is a “chat room” or something similar that basically plays the role of a topic (in JMS terms). Whenever someone opens a project of that name, the respective Eclipse instance will be added to that chat room.
  • There is a “lock/unlock” entry in the context menu of all objects (e.g. classes). Whenever someone clicks on of those a respective message is sent to the chat room and picked up by all subscribers.
  • The open question for me is how to persist that message in a stateful manner and all the associated questions around conflict resolution etc. In general I would favour a mostly manual approach here, because it would make the design/implementation a whole lot easier.
  • These machine-generated messages adhere to some naming convention, so that they can be processed/filtered easily. All other messages go through and can be used for human-to-human communication.

These are my initial thoughts and I look forward to your comments, so please feel free to share them.

Version Control Systems and other Repositories

Recently, a few colleagues and I had a very interesting discussion about what should go into a Version Control System (VCS) and what should not. In particular we were arguing as to whether things like documents or project plans should go in. Here are a few things that I came up with in that context.

I guess the usage of VCS (and other repositories) somehow comes down to a few general desires (aka use-cases):

  • Single source of truth
  • History/time machine
  • Traceability
  • Collaboration
  • Automation of builds etc.

In today’s world with its many different repositories you can either go for a mix (best-of-breed) or the lowest common denominator which is usually the VCS. So what’s stopping people from doing it properly (=best of breed)?

  • Lack of conceptual understanding:
    • Most people involved in those kinds of discussion usually come from a (Java) development background. So there is a “natural” tendency to think VCS. What this leaves out is that other repositories, which are often DB-based, offer additional capabilities. In particular there are all sorts of cross checks and other constraints which are being enforced. Also, given their underlying architecture, they are usually easier to integrate with in therms of process-driven approaches.
    • Non-technical folks are mostly used to do versioning-by-filename and require education to see the need for more.
  • Lack of repository integration: Interdependent artefacts spread over multiple repositories require interaction, esp. synchronisation. Unless some kind of standard has emerged, it is a tedious task to do custom development for these kinds of interfaces. Interestingly, this goes back to my post about ALM needing middleware.
  • Different repositories have clients working fundamentally differently, both in terms of UI and underlying workflow (the latter is less obvious but far-reaching in consequence). Trying to understand all this is really hard. BTW: This already starts with different VCS! As an example just compare SVN, TFS and Git (complexity increasing in that order, too) and have “fun”.
  • Lack of process: Multiple repositories asking for interaction between themselves also means that there is, at least implicitly, a process behind all this. Admittedly, there is also a process behind a VCS-only approach, but it’s less obvious and its evolvement often ad-hoc in nature. With multiple repositories a more coordinated approach is required to the process development, also because often this means crossing organisational boundaries.

Overall, this means that there is considerable work to be done in this area. I will continue to post my ideas here and look forward to your comments!

Tooling for Agile and Traditional Development Methodologies

A hot topic of the last few years has been the debate as to whether traditional (aka waterfall-like) methodologies or agile ones (XP, SCRUM, etc.) deliver better results. Much of the discussion that I am aware of has focused on things like

  • Which approach fits the organization?
  • How strategic or tactical (both terms usually go undefined) is the project and how does this affect the suitability of one approach over the other?
  • What legal and compliance requirements must be taken into account?
  • How large and distributed is the development team?

This is all very important stuff and thinking about it is vital. Interestingly, though, what has largely been ignored, at least in the articles I have come across, is the tooling aspect. A methodology without proper tool support has relatively little practical value. Well, of course the tools exist. But can they effectively be used in the project? In my experience this is mostly not the case, when we speak about the “usual suspects” for requirements and test management. The reason for that is simply money. It comes in many incarnations:

  • Few organizations have enterprise licenses for the respective tools and normally no budget is available for buying extra licenses for the project. The reason for the latter is either that this part of the budget was rejected, or that it was forgotten altogether.
  • Even if people are willing to invest for the project, here comes the purchasing process, which in itself can be quite prohibitive.
  • If there are licenses, most of these comprehensive tools have a steep learning curve (no blame meant, this is a complicated subject).
  • No project manager, unless career-wise suicidal, is willing to have his budget pay for people getting to know this software.
  • Even if there was budget (in terms of cash-flow), it takes time and often more than one project to obtain proficiency with the tools.

Let’s be clear, this is not product or methodology bashing. It is simply my personal, 100% subjective experience from many projects.

Now let’s compare this with the situation for Version Control Systems (VCS). Here the situation looks quite different. Products like Subversion (SVN) are well-established and widely used. Their value is not questioned and every non-trivial project uses them. Why are things so different here and since when? (The second part of the question is very important.) VCSes have been around for many years (RCS, CVS and many commercial ones) but none of them really gained the acceptance that SVN has today. I cannot present a scientific study here but my gut feeling is that the following points were crucial for this:

  • Freely available
  • Very simple to use, compared to other VCS. This causes issues for more advanced use-cases, especially merging, but allows for a fast start. And this is certainly better than avoiding a VCS in the first place.
  • Good tool suppport (e.g. TortoiseSVN for Windows)

Many people started using SVN under the covers for the aforementioned reasons and from there it gradually made its way into the official corporate arena. It is now widely accepted as the standard. A similar pattern can be observed for unit-testing (as opposed to full-blown integrating and user acceptance testing):  Many people use JUnit or something comparable with huge success. Or look at Continuous Integration with Hudson. Cruise Control was around quite a bit longer but its configuration was perceived to be cumbersome. And on top of its ease-of-use Hudson added something else: extensibility via plug-ins. The Hudson guys accepted upfront that people would want to do more than what the core product could deliver.

All these tools were designed bottom-up coming from people who knew exactly what they needed. And by “sheer coincidence” much of this stuff is what’s needed for an agile approach. My hypothesis is that more and more of these tools (narrow scope, free, extensible) will be coming and moving up the value chain. A good example is the Framework for Integrated Test that addresses user acceptance tests. As this happens and integration of the various tools at different levels progresses, the different methodologies will also converge.

USVN with CentOS 5

If you are looking for a Subversion web interface, chances are you come across USVN (User-friendly SVN). I first used it in August 2009 during a complex proof-of-concept (PoC). The current version at the time was 0.7.2 and it was of great help. Nevertheless there were a few things missing, esp. LDAP support. So I was really happy to recently learn that the project is being continued (it is an end-of-studies project) and in fact one of the first new features is support for LDAP.

One of the challenges I came across during the installation was the systems check that reported “Subversion has not been detected”. This simply means that the Subversion client binary (svn) was not found on the search path (PATH). The reason for this in my case was the fact that I had done a custom installation of Subversion and not relied on the one that comes with CentOS. For details on this please check [cref 879 this post] where I also present a way to custom-define environment variables for the Apache web server. Here is the respective snippet with the search path added (my changes are in bold)start() {
echo -n $"Starting $prog: "
check13 || exit 1
LANG=$HTTPD_LANG LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/CollabNet_Subversion/lib PATH=$PATH:/opt/CollabNet_Subversion/bin daemon --pidfile=${pidfile} $httpd $OPTIONS
[ $RETVAL = 0 ] && touch ${lockfile}
return $RETVAL
With this amendment the system check passed just fine. It should be noted, however, that at least for v1.0.1 this check is not complete. E.g. it misses on PHP support for the database. So you most likely also want to install php-pdo and php-mysql:yum install php-pdo php-mysql SQLite did not work at a first try whereas MySQL did, so I went for the latter.

Use CollabNet Subversion with Regular Apache

CollabNet are providing up-to-date binary packages of Subversion for many platforms. In my case this is CentOS 5, which by itself only has a rather dated version of Subversion. So I downloaded and installed the client, server and extras packages from CollabNet. The server package comes with a bundled Apache and a pretty nice installation script. However, I wanted to use my regular Apache for hosting the Subversion repositories, which means that I had to include the Apache modules from the CollabNet installation. So here are the respective lines from /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.confLoadModule dav_svn_module /opt/CollabNet_Subversion/modules/mod_dav_svn.so
LoadModule authz_svn_module /opt/CollabNet_Subversion/modules/mod_authz_svn.so
Those modules require access to additional libraries from /opt/CollabNet_Subversion/lib, so Apache needs to be told to include this directory into the search path (LD_LIBRARY_PATH). The bold part in the below snippet from /etc/init.d/httpd shows what needs to be added:start() {
echo -n $"Starting $prog: "
check13 || exit 1
LANG=$HTTPD_LANG LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/CollabNet_Subversion/lib daemon --pidfile=${pidfile} $httpd $OPTIONS
[ $RETVAL = 0 ] && touch ${lockfile}
return $RETVAL
Simply sourcing in LD_LIBRARY_PATH does not work, because the daemon function calls a separate Bash instance. The only way to feed environment variables into Apache, was by prepending them as shown above. This is also the approach to take for extending the PATH variable (which I needed to do for including /opt/CollabNet_Subversion/bin).