There is a widespread notion, that developers at some point in their career evolve into something “better”, called architect. This term has the connotation of mastery on the subject, which I think is ok. What is not ok for me, is that in many cases there is the expectation that an architect’s time is too valuable for something as mundane as coding. Instead architects should develop the overall architecture of the solution.
Ok, so what is the architecture? Most people believe that some documentation (often a mixture of prose and high-level pictures) is the architecture. I would argue that this not the architecture but a more or less accurate abstraction from it. When enough work has gone into things, it may may even become the to-be architecture (but certainly not the as-is one). However, outside of regulated industries I have never seen a document that was thorough enough. A friend of mine used to work on embedded systems for car breaks where lives are at stake; and he told me some interesting stories about the testing and documentation efforts these guys take.
In my view the architecture is, by definition, in the code itself. Everything else is, I repeat myself, something that has some relationship with it. So how can an architect not be coding? You could argue that instead of doing the work him- or herself, mentoring and guiding less experienced developers is a good use of the architect’s time. For me that works fine up to a certain level of complexity. But if we talk about an STP (straight-through processing) solution, is that really something you want to give to a mid-level developer? (It would probably be an ideal piece of work for pair-programming, though.)
I do certainly not want to demean people who call themselves architects. It is a not-so-common capability to look at an IT landscape and see the big picture. Instead many people will be lost in the details. So we definitely need this this perspective! But it is a different kind of architecture, the so-called Enterprise Architecture (EA). I know folks who started as (really good) developers and are now very successful at Enterprise Architecture.
So, in closing, my core point is that the architecture of a solution and its code are basically two sides of the same coin. Everybody involved on the technical level should understand both aspects. And if the level of detail varies, depending on the official role, that is probably ok.
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