Mount Windows Share with Fedora 12

The file system type for the mount command has been changed from smbfs to cifs. So using “-t smbfs” will not work any more. Instead you need to enter something like this:

mount -t cifs -o username=user[,uid=500,gid=500] //machine/share[/path] /mountpoint

There seems to be a documentation bug in the man pages, because they still mention smbfs.

4 thoughts on “Mount Windows Share with Fedora 12

  1. Thank you for posting this info, I have just upgrade to FC12 and it has been almost 4 days looking for answer why “mount -t cifs -o username=user,passwrod=password //server/shared /mountpoint stop working. Replacing with “uid” and gid” solved my problem. I had to revert back back to fc11 since I am using amanda for backup and mount command is incorrectly printed. I know this was a free OS but something like this simple should not be over look.
    Again I cant say thank you enough for taking your time looking this over.

  2. I have tried mounting a shared in fedora using the above example, of course with my own preference and I got this error message “CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -22”.

    Any ideas?

  3. Have you checked the respective log entries on the CIFS server? They should give you some idea about what’s going on.

  4. mount -t cifs -o credentials=/home/folder/user.txt //server/soft$ /mnt/soft
    It is better to have server ip address in etc/hosts

    Otherwise in the place of server, give IP address. That will work. 🙂

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